August 3, 2011

Rekindling an Old Passion

This week my husband, Kyle and I have been helping Redeemer Church in preparations for their vacation bible school next week.  Kyle did the tie dye shirts and I worked on some of the set decorations.  Over 300 shirts were tie dyed this year and I was able to rekindled an old passion through painting.  The church had recently had their roof redone and had these insulation boards left over.  Pastor Tim retrieved them and I had a new project... to paint up the boards to resemble a city scene.

I love art.  I am not very good at it but enjoy it thoroughly.  It is a passion I shared with my great grandmother and haven't had a chance to indulge in since high school.  I enjoyed putting some simple techniques into the painting.  Here is the finished product:

I have to tell you, as much as I enjoyed painting these blank canvasses, I really enjoyed contributing to the scenery for VBS.  I feel like these buildings will really help transform the sanctuary into this downtown scene for the kids to come together and worship in.  VBS starts Sunday and I am so excited.  Kyle will be one of the theme characters and I will be working with the mission projects.

Missions are a huge passion and calling for me and being able to contribute in this way is a true blessing.  Sharing the excitement with the kiddos in doing something special for someone else is so humbling.  Don't take this the wrong way but I love seeing the kids learn through their struggles.  Some of the kids come in to do the projects expecting to take them home but get frustrated when they cannot.  I love to pull them aside and pray an extra special blessing with them for the person who will eventually receive the item.  I love the turn around in their heart as they learn what it means to give.   They are showing God's love to the world and love that even at their age, they can make a difference.

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